Equity Story
Founded in 2000, DF Deutsche Forfait AG is a German globally active finance company focusing on individual financing solutions and advisory services for international customers and partner banks engaged in export and import transactions.

Customers and banks rely on both our more than 20 years of experience in foreign trade finance and our excellent global network. At the same time, they benefit from our highly efficient international compliance standards, which require extensive audits and thus create security for all parties involved at the highest level. Our expertise is particularly in demand in countries with trade restrictions caused by EU and/or US sanctions.
Seven years after its foundation, the company went public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. In the now more than 20 years of business, DF Group has experienced both good and not so good times. In 2016, the company underwent a successful reorganization after it fell into insolvency - due to a US sanction that was unfounded in hindsight and subsequently lifted again. In 2022, DF Group generated annual consolidated sales of more than EUR 11 million with a business volume of around EUR 146 million. The resulting consolidated pre-tax profit of around EUR 6.3 million is DF Deutsche Forfait AG's best result in more than 7 years.
In the medium term, the management of DF Deutsche Forfait AG is focusing on steady healthy growth in the target markets of the Middle East and Eastern Europe. The focus is on maintaining and expanding its fields of expertise in foreign trade in the areas of finance and compliance with countries with higher trade restrictions and risks.
Since 2023, DF Group has also been acting as an independent trader of agricultural products in the new "trading" business unit, while complying with the applicable compliance requirements.
DF Group pursues its objectives with very competent employees, with a management that acts in an entrepreneurial manner without exception and, last but not least, with its international customers, partner banks and its excellent network.